First Name *
Last Name *
Organization / Agency (or type "None") *
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Phone Number *
Select Credentials *
Unlicensed or Bachelor's LevelLSW/LCSW/LPC/LMFTDDAP/CACPsychologist
By attending a PCS training, I give PCS permission to video record me in the training and any discussion I participate in for video training purposes.
I agree that if I encounter any information or identity of individual(s) who may be in treatment with PCS, I will abide by HIPAA and Pennsylvania State laws and I will not disclose the information or identity to any other person. I agree to wear a Visitor label while on PCS property to identify myself to PCS employees as a visitor and as a reminder to limit any type of disclosure of private information. By my signature I agree and affirm that I will not discuss or acknowledge any information regarding clients of Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc. This information shall include but not be limited to clients' names or identity learned or discovered in the course of my contact with Pennsylvania Counseling Services, Inc.